ANN For Misuse Detection

Neural Networks

An artificial neural network consists of a collection of processing elements that are highly interconnected and transform a set of inputs to a set of desired outputs. The result of the transformation is determined by the characteristics of the elements and the weights associated with the interconnections among them. By modifying the connections between the nodes the network is able to adapt to the desired outputs.

                    The neural network gains the experience initially by training the system to correctly identify preselected examples of the problem. The response of the neural network is reviewed and the configuration of the system is refined until the neural network’s analysis of the training data reaches a satisfactory level. In addition to the initial training period, the neural network also gains experience over time as it conducts analyses on data related to the problem.


Because of the increasing dependence which companies and government agencies have on their computer networks the importance of protecting these systems from attack is critical. A single intrusion of a computer network can result in the loss or unauthorized utilization or modification of large amounts of data and cause users to question the reliability of all of the information on the network.

               The second general approach to intrusion detection is misuse detection. This technique involves the comparison of a user’s activities with the known behaviors of attackers attempting to penetrate a system.  While anomaly detection typically utilizes threshold monitoring to indicate when a certain established metric has been reached, misuse detection techniques frequently utilize a rule-based approach. When applied to misuse detection, the rules become scenarios for network attacks. The intrusion detection mechanism identifies a potential attack if a user’s activities are found to be consistent with the established rules.

Current Approaches To Intrusion Detection Systems

Most current approaches to the process of detecting intrusions utilize some form of rule-based analysis. Rule-Based analysis relies on sets of predefined rules that are provided by an administrator, automatically created by the system, or both. Expert systems are the most common form of rule-based intrusion detection approaches. The early intrusion detection research efforts realized the inefficiency of any approach that required a manual review of a system audit trail. While the information necessary to identify attacks was believed to be present within the voluminous audit data, an effective review of the material required the use of an automated system.

Mlp Prototype

The first prototype neural network was designed to determine if a neural network was capable of identifying specific events that are indications of misuse. The prototype utilized a MLP architecture that consisted of four fully connected layers with nine input nodes and two output nodes. The number of hidden layers, and the number of nodes in the hidden layers, was determined based on the process of trial and error. Each of the hidden nodes and the output node applied a Sigmoid transfer function (1/ (1 + exp (-x))) to the various connection weights. The neural network was designed to provide an output value of 0.0 and 1.0 in the two output nodes when the analysis indicated no attack and 1.0 and 0.0 in the two output nodes in the event of an attack.

Potential Implementations

There are two general implementations of neural networks in misuse detection systems. The first involves incorporating them into existing or modified expert systems. Unlike the previous attempts to use neural networks in anomaly detection by using them as replacements for existing statistical analysis components, this proposal involves using the neural network to filter the incoming data for suspicious events which may be indicative of misuse and forward these events to the expert system. This configuration should improve the effectiveness of the detection system by reducing the false alarm rate of the expert system. Because the neural network will determine a probability that a particular event is indicative of an attack, a threshold can be established where the event is forwarded to the expert system for additional analysis.


          Misuse detection is the process of attempting to identify instances of network attacks by comparing current activity against the expected actions of an intruder. Most current approaches to misuse detection involve the use of rule-based expert systems to identify indications of known attacks.


Research and development of intrusion detection systems has been ongoing since the early 1980’s and the challenges faced by designers increase as the targeted systems because more diverse and complex. Misuse detection is a particularly difficult problem because of the extensive number of vulnerabilities in computer systems and the creativity of the attackers.

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